Sunday, May 22, 2011

End page: Credits

We chose our final page to be a "CREDITS PAGE" , to list the names of the people who we have collaborated with and used in our images.

This one I also had to do; I made a few rough drafts but they looked too simple which did not go with the rest of our newspaper, (image 1) then Ioana had the idea to put the words all over the place.

I don't like chaos, so I made an organized-mess credits page. Here are some of the versions, there are changes in the detailing.

To make the newspaper even quirkier and modern we decided to put a tag for mobile-phones to recognize and they can see a message once they scan the code. It says "Thank you for escaping with us". (my phone can't read these things so I'm not 100% sure how they actually work).

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