The idea: We had a conversation with Ioana and she talked about dialogues and I immediately had the idea of using dialogues in my Routine spread. The concept I had in mind was a completely random dialogue still dealing with routines in a more abstract way. I started writing down different ones (I used random Finnish names and also put Swedish and Finnish in the conversations to mess it up)
Dialogue 1. Mikko: What is she gonna cook for us this time? Yrjö: Really don't care Mikko: Still mad? Yrjö: For missing my daily dosis of Emmerdale?! Mikko: Yes? Yrjö: NO KYLLÄ HARMITTAA Mikko: Common; she'll not be here soon, some kindness perhaps Yrjö: Quite frankly I'd rather go back home and do shit I've been doing for the past 20 years and not travel all this way to see someone I haven't seen in all those years Mikko: Nu slutar du apa dig och övar ditt tal!
Dialogue 2. Tapani: red or blue? Sven: green Tapani: too boring! Sven: I am boring Tapani: Today you're not Sven: But I always have the green one! Tapani: Men förstår du inte att grönt inte är skönt? Sven: Fine, I'll pick none Tapani: No ones going to talk to you! Sven: Quite frankly I'd rather pick neither green nor blue and stick to the one I've had always and be laughed at.
Dialogue 3. Kalle: WAKE UP! Yrjö: Beer? Kalle: What are you on about? Yrjö: You promised I'd get that morning beer if I get up Kalle: Can't believe this, allright fine... Get up first then I'll give you one Yrjö: You know it's part of my daily routine and I can't live without it anymore Kalle cheated and now their friendship is over.
Dialogue 4. T: Come and dance! S: Eh, my leg is broken?! T: Dude, you only live once - besides dancing with a broken leg is much healthier than your ten cups of coffee and two packs of cigarettes per day! S: You want me dead! T: Your habits want you dead sir. S: Right, now I've decided to smoke three packs of cigarettes and twenty cups of coffee AND I'm gonna go and break my other leg as well so see you around... mate. I asked Ioana and another friend to read these dialogues and based on their opinions I chose to include Dialogue 2 and 4 in my spread design.
On the right page I put two of my photographs I took a while ago of my friend wearing a creepy catmask, I added a halftone effect on them (which Ioana and I agreed on to use on almost all imagery) The speech bubbles quote famous songs; "Dude looks like a lady" "Hello,hello baby you called I can't hear a thing" and "Oops, I did it again. Called the wrong person"
This all adds to the weirdness and sarcastic feel we wanted to go for so that are the reasons why I chose to make the design and text this way.