After our lesson on monday the 21st of March Ioana and I realised we can't just start designing individually without knowing the topic and idea behind each spread so we started brainstorming of the idea desire to escape which initially is formed of this principle;
(Ioana's words)
"We are constraint with a cluttered world, imprisoned by the time that’s passing by too fast. We wake up in the morning, have breakfast and a coffee, go to work, go back home, have lunch, watch TV then go to sleep. We are all aware of routine, but still are afraid to be spontaneous and do things we never thought we could. We have regrets, a lot of them, we become obsessed about them, about time and routine. We then close our eyes and start dreaming. We dream, and dream. We start taking initiative and action and try to change, to become happier, have less regrets, do more spontaneous things. We reach the Transient Happiness and enter a world full of happiness. And this is how we then escape."
(and in my words)
"A neverending rollercoaster; life throws at you stones and you either take them or suffer. How can we go on in happiness when everything is always the same and you know what to expect? The routines of the day, routines of the week, routines of the month, routines of the year. Day in, day out you always know what to expect from life, or then you are sure something bad will happen. The dreams during night have become dark and agonizing. The route to awakening is long and difficult, skipping that morning coffee... taking the wrong train, smiling to strangers. The escape can start by small steps. Steps that lead you to bigger ones. Escape is different to all. We know that it is necessary. Dream big, start small, escape routine, escape."
So for the 7 spreads we decided upon these topics:
1. TIME (ioana)
For text: Mircea Eliade, Albert Camus
"We are all constraint by time and the way it passes by so quickly"
Imagery: digital collage with clocks, prison feel
2. ROUTINE (sofia)
For text: poem about routinated life (from a personal point of view)
Imagery: photo collage, halftone Objects: coffee,cigarettes,clock,lips,plate with food - repetition
3. OBSESSION (ioana)
Imagery: type-poster with words from routine, face with text (forming a spiral)
4. DREAM (ioana)
Text: Creative writing; Sigmund Freud (about dreams and dreaming)
Imagery: photograph with illustrations and text/words around the imagery
5. ACTION (sofia)
Text: Taking the initiative to change, poem about change of behaviour and taking action
Imagery: Path with steps, diagonal flow, surrealistic proportions
6. HAPPINESS (ioana)
Text: Happiness, personal philosophies Imagery: smiles, spontaneous, illustration colourful with words
7. ESCAPE (sofia)
Text: Reaching happiness, being able to escape the routinated lifestyle, Utopia
Imagery: Flowy things coming up from the bottom of the page, a new world - "flowery", linked to 'Birth of Venus'
and COVERS (sofia).