Monday, March 28, 2011

T y p e f a c e s a n d c o l o u r s

About a week ago we discussed what typefaces and colours to use in our newspaper design; Ioana introduced me to Caslon which in both of our opinions would really suit the newspaper since the style of it is "bookish" and elegant. Then we wanted another typeface which would fit headlines and titles more and I wanted to go for Gill Sans which is more modern and doesn't have serifs. By deciding on different colours we thought it could be easier for both of us to design and compare our works and also to have two versions, the colour one and then black and white (which the newspaper will be in, in the end.) Caslon 540, Gill Sans Regular and Gill Sans Extra Bold for the cover title For the colours we decided on; pink,orange,neonlime,purple,turqoise and green. (Note: this was the idea and plan from last week)

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